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    سيرة نبينا الكريم محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم

    كتاب يعرف طفلك إلى رسوله الكريم محمّد صلى الله عليه وسلّم بأسلوب مبسّط وسلس، ويغرس في قلبه حبّاً له من خلال قرائته لسيرة النّبي صلى الله عليه وسلّم وعن التضحيات التّي قدّمها لأمّته كان ذلك في شهر ربيع الأوّل، في ليلة متلألئة النّجوم ظهر نجمٌ جديدٌ في السّماء. كان نجماً مميّزاً لم يسبق للنّاس رؤيته من قبل في ذلك الوقت، ولد طفلٌ في منزل بمكّة والدته آمنة، ووالده عبد الله عانقته أمّه آهٍ، لو رأى والده ذلك اليوم..من يدري كم كان أحبّه أسرع المبشّرون لإبلاغ جدّه عبد المطّلب ببشرى قدومه فرح عبد المطّلب كئيراً بهذه البشرى، وسمّى حفيده اليتيم "محمّداً" العمر : +6 سنوات
    بائع: Qatar Post
    QAR 80
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    طريقة الشحن
    إسم البائع
    تاريخ الوصول المتوقع
    لا توجد خيارات شحن

    Key Features

    1. A Gentle Introduction to the Prophet’s Life:

      • Simple and age-appropriate language to ensure understanding for children 6 and older.
      • Focuses on the significant events in the Prophet’s life that shaped Islamic history.
    2. Nurturing Love for the Prophet:

      • The story encourages an emotional connection with the Prophet Muhammad, fostering love and admiration from a young age.
      • Highlights his noble characteristics, such as kindness, humility, and generosity.
    3. Engaging and Educational:

      • Expressive descriptions and vivid storytelling bring historical events to life.
      • Includes moral lessons for children to apply in their own lives.
    4. A Memorable Reading Experience:

      • Written in a style that invites reflection and discussion between parents and children.
      • Encourages children to emulate the Prophet as a role model.

    Excerpt from the Book:

    "It was in the month of Rabi' al-Awwal, on a night full of shining stars,
    A new star appeared in the sky. It was a distinctive star that people had never seen before.
    At that time, a child was born in a house in Mecca.
    His mother was Aminah, and his father was Abdullah.
    His mother embraced him.
    Oh, if only his father had seen him that day... who knows how much he would have loved him.
    The messengers hurried to inform his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, of the news of his arrival.
    Abdul Muttalib was overjoyed with this news and named his grandson the orphan 'Muhammad'."

    This touching narrative captures the innocence and majesty of the Prophet’s early life, introducing young readers to their faith’s most beloved figure.