Title: "The Unexpected Event" Author: Dr. Rehab Malla Language: Arabic The book explains the changes that occur in girls during puberty in a scientific, easy, and simplified manner. It provides reasons for these changes and answers critical and urgent questions that girls have about this topic. The book presents information that is suitable for our culture and religion.
Title: "The Princess School - Kimi Searches for a Friend" Author: Yudit Alert Illustrator: Florentina Bretzel Language: Arabic Age Group: 5 years In the Princess School, dreams come true for Kimi from the Cherry Blossom Kingdom. She's a new student at the boarding school. Her only wish here is to have a friend... but she doesn't know anyone here! Suddenly, she feels a strong longing for her home, and the magical door that leads back there opens up to her.
Title: Omar's World: Extraordinary Spy Author: Zainab Miyan Language: Arabic Age Range: 9+ years Sometimes, a big event might require someone to play the role of a detective or a spy. But what if the event is the theft of money meant for renovating the mosque? To pique your curiosity even more, I'll just say this: the list of suspects is long. I won't reveal the identity of the spy or the fate of the money so that you can read this book... It's one of the funniest and most thrilling books out there!
Author: Zainab Miyan Language: Arabic Age Range: 9+ years While you may not know me yet, this book is capable of accomplishing that task. You will find awaiting you situations that are funny, amusing, and entertaining to the fullest. You might be surprised by a dragon showing up here, or a zombie appearing there, and you may be amazed by my interaction with some peculiar characters. But all of that is evidence of the extent of my busy life and my diverse interests!
Author: Zeinab Mayyan Language: Arabic Age Group: 9+ years While you may not know me yet, this book is capable of accomplishing this task. You'll find awaiting you situations that are amusing, funny, and entertaining to the extreme. You might be surprised by a dragon showing up here, or a zombie appearing there, and you might be astonished by how I deal with some peculiar characters. But all of this is evidence of the extent of my busy schedule and my diverse interests!
Author: Yudit Alert Illustrator: Florentina Brittshell Language: Arabic Age Group: 9 years Dreams come true like the dawn's break, the princesses are delighted: they are finally learning horseback riding. Only Dana from the Diamond Kingdom seems afraid; she has never seen a horse in her life. But this must remain a secret.